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. . . To him who has once tasted the reckless independence, the haughty self-reliance, the sense of irresponsible freedom, which the forest life engenders, civilization thenceforth seems flat and stale. Its pleasures are insipid, its pursuits wearisome, its conventionalities, duties, and mutual dependence alike tedious and disgusting. The entrapped wanderer grows fierce and restless, and pants for breathing-room. His path, it is true, was choked with difficulties, but his body and soul were hardened to meet them; it was beset with dangers, but these were the very spice of his life, gladdening his heart with exulting self-confidence, and sending the blood through his veins with a livelier current. The wilderness, rough, harsh, and inexorable, has charms more potent in their seductive influence than all the lures of luxury and sloth. And often he on whom it has cast its magic finds no heart to dissolve the spell, and remains a wanderer and an Ishmaelite to the hour of his death.
Francis Parkman

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter trip to Lolo Hot Springs from Kamiah

We took the boys to Lolo Hot Springs for a mini Easter vacation. We stayed at Lolo trail Center, it was very nice. This made for a fun family trip, lots of wildlife and scenery to see on the Lochsa and Selway, snow to play in at Lolo Pass, nice dinner at Lolo Hotsprings restaurant and bar, and ending the day with a soak in the spring water.
Tried to get a photo with the Montana sign, but the sun was to bright for the boys to cooperate.

Lots of snow at the visitors center at Lolo Pass, nice place, they had free hot coco and coffee. Nice displays and info, great place to stop for a travel break.

Moose on the Lochsa

Swollen creeks and lots of water falls this time of year, makes for some scenic vistas.

O'hara creek, Selway river.

Mule deer in the Highway.

White tail looking for green spring grasses on the Selway.

Geese making themselves at home at Fenn Ranger station on the Selway.

Turkeys on the Selway.

Lots of waterfowl on the Selway this time of year.

Quentin and William throwing rocks on the Lochsa.


Curious said...


I see you like to hunt. I come from a really small town in Montana where everyone hunts. I'm not all that into it. I have a question for you and I hope I don't scare you away: Do you have any half-sisters? For example, did your father have children with another woman after you were born? Do you know? I know this is random but I'm curious. Feel free to email me with answers or a "leave me alone." Like I said, I hope I don't scare you away.

Have a great day.


Robert Millage said...

No, I have a step brother and two step sisters, but no half sisters that I know of. I do have some family in Montana, my dads brother lives in Darby and has family in Montana.

Curious said...

If you don't mind my asking, what's your father's name? I don't mean to pry so I hope you don't mind my asking.

Robert Millage said...

Mike Millage