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Our New Website
For more hunting and other outdoor info, stories, and photos check out our new site www.outdoorsmanspursuit.com
. . . To him who has once tasted the reckless independence, the haughty self-reliance, the sense of irresponsible freedom, which the forest life engenders, civilization thenceforth seems flat and stale. Its pleasures are insipid, its pursuits wearisome, its conventionalities, duties, and mutual dependence alike tedious and disgusting. The entrapped wanderer grows fierce and restless, and pants for breathing-room. His path, it is true, was choked with difficulties, but his body and soul were hardened to meet them; it was beset with dangers, but these were the very spice of his life, gladdening his heart with exulting self-confidence, and sending the blood through his veins with a livelier current. The wilderness, rough, harsh, and inexorable, has charms more potent in their seductive influence than all the lures of luxury and sloth. And often he on whom it has cast its magic finds no heart to dissolve the spell, and remains a wanderer and an Ishmaelite to the hour of his death.
Francis Parkman

Friday, April 11, 2008

Playing With New Camera on the Selway.

Elk and Turkey's Looking for the green of spring. Photo is not the best because of low light, but way better than what my old camera would have done. My new camera is a Cannon Powershot S5 IS, we'll see how it holds up.
Geese Taking Flight.

Playing with the settings on the camera.

William checking out a waterfall created by the spring runoff up Ohara Creek.

Deer were running everywhere.

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