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. . . To him who has once tasted the reckless independence, the haughty self-reliance, the sense of irresponsible freedom, which the forest life engenders, civilization thenceforth seems flat and stale. Its pleasures are insipid, its pursuits wearisome, its conventionalities, duties, and mutual dependence alike tedious and disgusting. The entrapped wanderer grows fierce and restless, and pants for breathing-room. His path, it is true, was choked with difficulties, but his body and soul were hardened to meet them; it was beset with dangers, but these were the very spice of his life, gladdening his heart with exulting self-confidence, and sending the blood through his veins with a livelier current. The wilderness, rough, harsh, and inexorable, has charms more potent in their seductive influence than all the lures of luxury and sloth. And often he on whom it has cast its magic finds no heart to dissolve the spell, and remains a wanderer and an Ishmaelite to the hour of his death.
Francis Parkman

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cougar encounter while hiking on Fish Creek trail, Lochsa.

Hiked 10 miles round trip up Fish Creek this morning with my friend Dustin looking for Bears and getting some exercise. On the way out Dustin was a couple hundred yards ahead of me, and as I rounded a corner I saw what at first I thought was some ones dog, about 15 yards away, but it lifted its head and I could see it was a lion. The lion was walking away from me, and could not hear me over the sound of the creek. It rounded a corner, so I unsnapped my holster just in case, and ran up around the corner to get some more photos. When I rounded the corner, it was still in the trail walking in Dustin's direction, like it was stalking him. I shouted "hey" to get it to look at me for a photo, and took a couple pics as it stared back. The lion then started to walk towards me. I then decided to draw my pistol and at the same time the cougar turned and ran up the bank, so I shot a couple times into the dirt just to put some fear of humans into it, since it didn't seem to be very afraid, and may have even been stalking my buddy. It was a medium sized cat, a little bigger than my Lab. Not too often you get to be that close to a cougar in the wild.

Willow RidgeObia Cabin (shack) Bridge over Fish creek past Obia's Cabin.


April said...

scary! but neat.

Unknown said...

I found you on huntingnet.com. It looks like you are the common sense guy in that group. Your kitty looks like a pretty healthy male though young. I will post about cats on huntingnet also. You have a great blog with lots of cool pics. You don't know how lucky you are to live where you do.

Best Wishes
Mule Deer Fanatic